Hi Folks, I can't believe the last time I Blogged was October. The Time has flown, with working with my friend in the Restaurant, helping in the Church Street Craft Market in Ballymena and running my business, where has the time went.
So I hope you have all had a Good Christmas and a Happy New Year, so far. Myself, I have been busy, Firstly was not well, Great start for the New Year, but also had to do my Books for the Taxman, ( successfully finished and sent ), also had to redo and Stocktake all the extra Beads & stuff, that was in the Store. Major bit of recycling, went on as well, as I recycled Mushroom boxes, so as to keep my stock in. Now I can see everything and when I need to restock the shop, I do not have to plow through all the Cardboard boxes, tins and other containers.
My Now Newly Organised Store Room
So How was your Christmas, Did you sell all your creations, or did you make stuff for the people, special to you. Either way, I hope you had a Good time.
Did you do any Craft Shows / Market, this year. ?
How did you get on ?.
Was it worth your while or a complete waste of time & money.
They can be so hit & miss.
So, also took on the complete changing round of the stock in my shop, some of it is on sale on my website.
Moved Things around to make space for New Products, that I will be stocking soon.
So Be Good, Enjoy what you do and be Happy.