Saturday, 31 October 2015

Social Media and Posting......A Change of Mind

Hi Peeps, As a blogger and a business person, as well as being a sort of Social Media Guru of sorts, I have read and used many pieces of advice, that is available and sometimes, just sometimes, I have come across some article that didn't work for me or for my friends and clients. The article was used in a blog that I did in September of this year and it was about the best time to Post, Blog, tweet and so on. but after a month and a half, I realised and checked with those who I had advised, that the times I suggested, were not getting us the results. Myself, I had no new likes, no tweeters liking my stuff, no pins being repinned of any new followers, etc.
After a few days of thinking what to do, then the demise of my laptop, I was unable to sort this out. So I have decided to remove the Blog, as I feel this research was not correct for me and my friends, here and now. It may be someone's right times to do their Social Media, but not ours.
I did change my Times, based in my business and am compiling what suits my business, I will then run it out among a certain few, to gauge their results. So for now, Sorry about the offending article and I have duly removed it

Go Forward My Peeps and Tweet,Post, Blog & Pin and see what suits your business
Till Later

Think This Sums the Whole Thing Up
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