Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Wasted Bubble Wrap

Wasted Bubble Wrap

Bubble Wrap….
You either Love it or Hate it,
 Me I’m indifferent

Oh yeah you go through a stage at first, when it is


You just have to squeeze it popping each individual plastic cushion, just to hear it pop, as well as the disappointment when you push one and it doesn’t pop, or someone had made to it first. You will even go as far as fight with a friend or work mate to get the piece just for yourself, as it is supposed to relieve Stress you tell yourself.

Ok I have been through that stage
Second stage it is, Ok I will keep this as I will need it to use as packing material, when I am sending out stuff, except that the amount of Bubble Wrap arriving in your orders are 6 times more than the orders that need it going out.
Thirdly, Then you become a Bubble Wrap Hoarder, it’s everywhere and I mean everywhere. You find places for it to hide, that didn’t exist for other stuff. You have boxes of the stuff, you offer it to the charity shops, but after the 15th box they begin to put the closed sign on the door , when they see you coming towards the shop, then you find uses for it, such as wallpaper , ( Only Joking ), but it makes good insulating. Then you give it away to people, who don’t want, then you start using it for other things like anything from Underwear to Hiding the cat in.

                                             And you Thought I was Joking

You recycle it, till the recycling people, stop lifting it and stopping picking up your other recycling in case, you have it hidden in something else. Also there is another problem with it, people you know, then begin to bring you there’s, with either the line “ Thought you could use this” or  “I know you collect this”
 When you see it, you begin to cringe, knowing you have to find a use for it.
Finally, after trying to let it fly away in a high wind  Shouting after it “Fly, Fly like the Wind”,  just to find it has returned later and is wrapped around the garden gate, clinging to it like a child , who doesn’t want to go somewhere and having a tantrum
 My last resort is to put in my ordinary Rubbish, just to get rid of it, the guilt of that haunting me, the fear of the refuse collectors, knocking my door and handing it back to, saying “ Mate, You must have put that in the bin by mistake”
Me, I think, there should be a place for retired, popped Bubble Wrap……

Actually, I have used Bubble Wrap, when building a stud wall and used it as insulating, as well as packing it tightly into black bags and used it to block the area above my sliding Garage Door, keeping the drafts out and helping keep frost from forming in the garage and I do use it for packaging, I make little Bubble Wrap bags to put the Beads into, when posting out

                                         Honestly , This is not me, Really!!!!!

 I have just discovered there is App for Bursting Bubble Wrap to relieve Stress

                    There is a Bubblewrap Appreciation Day which is January


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